The Author

The Author
Any day is a good day to write

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sidewalk soliciting

     On my way to the grocery store this morning, I noticed a young man standing on the median strip holding a sign  of which I could only make out the following words: Funeral Donations. As I progressed, I noticed several other young men holding similar signs which looked to have similar information. Intrigued, I made sure to go by one of the sign holders when I left the store. Sure enough, the signs were requesting donations for a funeral, much like the familiar homeless panhandlers we see from time to time in urban areas.
     Except these were earnest looking young men with a purpose. No beseeching, just holding their signs with a look of hopelessness on their face. The signs were asking for donations for the funeral of a 5 year old boy, named Brandon F. (I purposely left his last name off) with his picture. The picture depicted a smiling little boy, of apparent Hispanic descent, although his last name doesn't indicate that, and the sign said, "Little Brother". The sign holders, indeed, looked familial and of Hispanic descent of various ages that could be older brothers, and/or cousins.
     I never respond to these types of request, but this one seemed like it was real, and not a scam of new and disgusting proportions. Still, there are agencies for this sort of thing and I proceeded on home without offering any help, but couldn't stop thinking about it. I wondered what sort of circumstances had brought this family to this, and what had happened to the child in question. So many questions that are unanswered as I write this. I have never seen anything like this before, and I wonder, is our society finally getting to the point where it is so bad economically that families cannot afford to bury their young? Are they undocumented and they are afraid to turn to government agencies for relief?
     Wouldn't it be better to use a cheaper means of interment such as cremation? I am aware that the Hispanic culture is such that most can't bring themselves to this form of final departure, because most believe the body rises again at resurrection and will walk the earth with their family. In fact, many request to be buried in their homeland so they are among those they love and had left behind, when the final resurrection does occur.
     So, that leaves us with a young man whose family is out soliciting funds from strangers in order to give their "little brother" a proper and expensive burial. It disturbs me to think of that. I think I will drive by there tomorrow just to see if they are still there. If they are, I don't know what I'm going to do as yet, but this is haunting me. If I can help, I will try to help set it right. It's the least I can do.

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